Active Listening Essentials
Microlearning for the win
Microlearning serves as an effective tool for introductory training modules, offering accessibility and mobile-friendly features that enable learners to engage with the material at their convenience. By breaking down content into manageable chunks, microlearning alleviates cognitive overload for learners.
Audience: entry level customer support
Tools used: Rise 360, Google Cloud Console, Google Sites, Word, PowerPoint, FreePik
This microlearning module on active listening follows the SAM (Successive Approximation Model), emphasizing tight timelines and quick turnaround to deliver a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for rapid eLearning development.
Through the use of chunking techniques, this microlearning simplifies information into easily digestible segments, facilitating smoother learning experiences. Additionally, it encourages self-directed learning, empowering learners with autonomy in their educational pursuits.
Brainstorm roadmap
The storyboard for this microlearning has been streamlined for simplicity. Serving as a text-based blueprint, it ensures that the content is structured and covers all the key points outlined in the roadmap before the microlearning is developed. This step-by-step guide acts as a roadmap for content creation, ensuring that each component aligns with the overall objectives and learning outcomes of the microlearning module.
The primary objective of this microlearning initiative is to attain Level 1 (Reaction) and Level 2 (Learning) outcomes as per the Kirkpatrick Model of evaluation. To address Levels 3 (Behavior) and 4 (Results), further expansion of the content will be necessary.